winter weather advisory...rrrriiiight.


we've been under a winter weather advisory that called for a possible 3-5 inches of snow.  i had high hopes to wake up to a pretty winter wonderland, but nope...  as of 3 pm that is it.  it's still coming down so maybe it will accumulate. i'm really ready for spring and spent most of my morning looking at spring-like clothes online, but if it's going to be cold and miserable at least we could have some pretty snow.  right?  right.

i also spent my morning going through allll the archives of llymlrs.  goodness... that girl is adorable.  i love her clothes and her hair. and, she has the best accent.

school officially starts back up for michael tonight.  BOO.  this is his last semester and we both are happy about that one.  

i watched the bachelor on hulu today... i don't think i'll watch this season.  although, i'm rooting for emily.  her story about her fiance was soooo sad!  i even teared up a bit (maybe the pregnancy hormones kicking in some).

i'm still in my sweats... so maybe i should shower and do something with my day... or sit here and watch more hgtv. ;)

i need to start using that pretty little nikon of mine more... instead of being lazy and just using my phone.  i'll work on that.

how has your day been?


  1. i'm still in my pj's. :) it did snow here and actually still is a little bit! i kind of can't believe it. i did bake two batches of cookies and did a couple loads of laundry. i just keep on using the pregnancy excuse while i can. enjoy the rest of your day and keep relaxing!

  2. I want snow too! We got even less than this. booo.

    I'm watching the Bachelor, such a sucker, and I'm definitely rooting for Emily. She is so cute, and I cried too! No pregnancy hormones though. ha.

    Hope you're feeling well missy!

  3. ah, i've had quite a bit of coffee.
    woke up late.
    did bible was really good...
    tried yoga by dvd, but that sucked, to be honest!!

    hmmm. i wish we had spring-like weather here. i am REALLY missing all the walks i used to take with my sister...

  4. other than living in fear of a large spider attacking me all day today, my day has been great!

    i get bitter when they give snow advisories and nothing happens. there is pretty much nothing else i love more than a good snowstorm.

    and also: the story on the bachelor made me tear up as well, so i don't think it was just hormones. i felt so so sad for her story.

  5. We have been completely snowed in! It is GREAT. Trevor's meeting was cancelled on Monday and classes were supposed to start back today but are also cancelled. I am really happy for the extra time together.
