
tomorrow we'll be celebrating six months of life for this little lady.

i'm over here with some serious mixed emotions.  everyday she amazes me and i'm thrilled for what's ahead, but i already miss her newborn days. this stage is pretty fun though... watching her grow and discover.  she's an almost crawler (if you put something a ways from her she'll find a way to get it), sits up like a pro, and gets excited when "dada" comes home from work.  

i love her toothless grins.  so far we haven't seen any signs of teeth coming.  we haven't introduced her to any solids yet and still going strong exclusively breastfeeding.  we do plan to introduce food soon and i'll be making it all (thanks for the baby bullet grandma and grandpa gordon).  i have a feeling she'll be a great eater.  

we've recently started taking her to the nursery on sundays and she's pretty much surrounded by boys (lots of them) other than her friend, bria.  we feel it's so good for her to be around other babies.  i'm excited for her to grow up with paxton, max, and all the other little ones in our church.  

i am continually grateful that i'm able to be home with her.  this time is a blessing.  she is a blessing.  i really feel this is what God has planned for me.  

ellie reese, my pretty little lady... you are loved.  i am so thankful that i get to be your momma.  

**precious headband gifted to ellie from sarah.  and there's still time to enter in the sweet giveaway.  don't forget to tweet, fb, pin, or blog about it for an extra chance to win. i'll announce a winner tomorrow sometime.**


  1. she's adorable!
    tatum and i can't wait to meet her. : )

  2. She is such a sweet looking little girl. So precious!

  3. My little one just turned 8 months and I agree- so many emotions!!
    She is so precious!! :)

  4. Happy 6 months, Ellie! She is so BEAUTIFUL!

  5. She is precious! I have been looking forward to 6months! Everyone says it's the most fun part of babyhood!
