full of thanks.

there are so many things i'm thankful for this year.

i'll make a short list.  it will be pretty serious and pretty sappy.  sorry. :)

  • being married to an amazing, funny guy.  i'm thankful for him.
  • thankful for a God that has so much love for His people.
  • family.  they are all so special to me and i wish i could see them more.
  • our cute apartment with all the "things" in it.
  • having a job... even though i don't like it.  at least i have one, right?
  • our church family.  we love Sunday's.
  • our friends... even though we do need to be more social sometimes.
  • having friends as our downstairs neighbors. (chad and skyler you need to come up more often.)
  • to be 23 and most people think i'm not that old.
  • life.

{that's me playing football, i think on thanksgiving?}

 i love being in Seneca (even though i could not wait to move away when i lived here) and being with my family.  kadi mae was HILARIOUS last night... putting on shows and making up songs.  hagen has changed so much.  and is quite the funny little guy.  it was so great just sitting around with everyone.

i'm looking forward to today!  i'll watch the thanksgiving day parade with my mom (no one else seems to care about it around here)  and then go up to my grandparents for thanksgiving lunch.  i plan on eating way too much and not caring.  my grandma makes amazing home made hot rolls.  we'll probably play cards and we'll miss you lindsay!  of course, dad and michael will be watching football. then, we'll come back and i'll take some family pictures of the lankfords and eat dinner where i'll eat way too much again and not care. :) i'm thinking we'll get in the hot tub tonight.
doesn't that sound like a fantastic day?  i think so.

{have a wonderful day with your family! }

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Les. I sure did miss you guys yesterday! Hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving!
