lovely family...

meet the whitehead's.

  i went to church with them back in my hometown and jeanene was such a blessing in my life.  they taught the college sunday school class for a while and i got the chance to know her better on a trip to texas for Passion.  they are currently awaiting the news of if a new addition will be made to the family.  she has some thai in her and would love to have a little thai girl.  they found out they will only be able to adopt a little girl with special needs.  please pray for them.  here's a little of what she has been praying (from facebook)...

 November 1st. I am full of hope in God. As I remind myself of all that God has done for me, I am full of thanks. My hope continues and my faith remains.

November 2. Praying for some special ladies in Thailand. Praying for my special little girl. Praying that God will put them together.

November 3. Praying for strength and wisdom to handle whatever God may give us. Praying that whatever special needs our little Thai girl may have we can handle. Praying that God will comfort her wherever she is right now.

November 4. Praying for hearts to change in Thailand. Hearts that will not see greed, but to see that children need homes. Praying for the Thai DSDW, TRC, and thai government. Praying for His powerful hands to take hold and get done what needs to be done. His will be done...

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