oh what a wonderful, wonderful day.


i love sundays.  i mean really, really love them...i think i love them even more in the fall (if it's possible).  i love my church family, i love my afternoons spent with my husband on the couch watching football and relaxing, and i love feeling the cool breeze with ALL the windows open today.  (we have a lot of windows in our house... 4 in the living room alone)  i also love fall sundays because of the new season.  i went outside with millie after church today and realized those flowers on the trees won't be there much longer and that we've been in this home a whole season.  time goes by so quickly and i think it's time that i stop taking time for granted.  i need to start spending more time with my wonderful God and start seeking His will more in my life.  i always say i trust Him and know He has such a great plan... but today pastor mark said something that really hit me....  he said if we're really having the faith we should that God will do something then we don't need a "plan B"... so true, right?  michael has been offered to help with a new ministry starting here in springfield and we've been praying that God will show us what He wants.  i need to be in prayer about this more... it could be a huge outreach to our community, a development of new friendships and a way to help further His kingdom.  exciting stuff.

enjoy your Sunday.
rest & relax. 

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