i'm back!

wow, no post since last friday!

so a quick update:  i've been super busy.  i worked 36 hours in 3 days. (i always do, but not in a row)  and we've been without internet.  it was kind of nice because we talked a lot more and i got more sleep. not much is new other than the big red grill that sits on our back porch now (thanks to the in-laws!) and our nephew turned 4.  we had a little party at the park and i borrowed sweet baby katie the whole afternoon.  i started to learn how to crochet (thanks to my lovely friend anna).  also, i'm soaking in the last week of being 23.  michael took me shopping today... i walked away with 4 shirts and 1 hoodie.  they. are. all. kc chiefs.  they were on sale and "too good to pass up" in his words. and that pretty much sums up the week!


  1. i've thought about how close your birthday is several times this week! we need to do something. cute baby!

  2. we do need to do something! i feel like i'm missing out on so much of your life since i deleted twitter... again.
