things that make me happy:

fall tuesday.

some things that made me happy today:

hoodie weather! i basically have two that i love wearing. 
the one today is from victoria secrets pink... it happens to have the year i was born on it.

the leaves are really officially changing colors.
my little pumpkin sitting there as millie and i got back from a lovely little walk.
the picture by my stove. i looked at it as i was cooking dinner and got an immediate grin on my face. 
it's just so cute.
letting my eyes rest. yes, i'm a four-eyes little nerd.
dancing around in the laundry/millie's room with michael and millie chasing us.
parenthood is on tonight.

what made you happy today?


  1. the tape strip at the top of your blog makes me happy. I heart pugly pixel and your husband's use of her tape.

  2. i'm so glad, paige. my husband did a pretty fine job, didn't he? ;)

  3. Oh my gosh the feeling of not wearing contacts and just wearing glasses is pure glory. I totally feel you there.

    Wearing It On My Sleeves

  4. Hey Lesley! Umm...taking a 2.5 hour nap today with Jaycee! Amazing! Also, the extra support diapers that help her sleep a long time (no waking up due to pee), cute paper I just bought, the mac n cheese I am making now (yes, I eat like I am 5), chasing Jaycee all around the house, knowing Ev is coming home early, thinking about going to Ikea, the sunflower on my toe, people who actually blog regularly since I stink at it!

  5. whit- you are such a mom. i'm so jealous you live close to ikea now. i miss you! move back.
