40 weeks.

39 weeks.39 weeks.39 weeks.

my husband was sweet to take some pictures of me...
 but next time i'll have to make sure it's on automatic focus because i'm a bit blurry.

my baby girl will hopefully be arriving anytime.  my OB appointment yesterday was much more encouraging!  finally some progress going on.  we're hoping she decides to come before thursday.  michael has his college graduation on friday.  he's totally okay with missing it, but i'd like for him to be able to go.  we also would really, really like it if she came before monday.... it's our two year anniversary.  BUT, really she can come whenever she's ready...like today would be great. ;)

i probably won't be blogging the next few days.
 you can follow me on twitter:  lesleykaygordon
 i'll be posting photos on instagram: lesleygordon

also, the blog will be getting a little make over thanks to a sweet friend.
i'll share more about that later. :)


  1. Awww, you look adorable!
    Good luck on your labor and delivery. Hope everything goes as smooth as possible for you!

    In our sea of love

  2. you look so great!
    i hope she gets here before friday. : )

  3. You look lovely. I don't comment often but I've been a reader for awhile. Just wanted to stay two things: we share the same anniversary, only a year apart (ours is 8-8-08) AND I was a week late with my son. I made sure I took lots of naps and did lots of cleaning. Can't wait for your babe to arrive! Hugs.

  4. I have been thinking and praying for you every single day this week and probably being a wee bit creepy and checking your blog/fb often for news. I am so excited for you!! Come on, Ellie!
