
isn't my husband so cute?

michael and i helped with escalate this past weekend at our church.  the main focus was about battles...  battles the youth face in school, home, work and just day-to-day life.  it got me thinking about my own battles.  i'm not going to go into great detail, but my top two that i'm really focusing on are:  time management/productivity vs. laziness and comparing my life to others (in the blogging community as well as "real life")/trying to be someone i'm not.  my life is not perfect... it is pretty great... but, i have things i need to work on.

so, some personal things i'm working on:  starting my day right... not by checking blogs/instagram/twitter/facebook/pinterest, but by praying about the day ahead and spending time in Scripture.  being myself...  this is where the whole i want to live simple thing comes into play.  i like nice things.  i like clothes.  i like to decorate my house.  but, i want to keep it completely low key.  minimal.  i like it that way.  i don't want to think less of my life because someone seems to have so much more fun.  there's a lot of love in my home and we're a happy bunch.  that's good enough for me.

some fun things:  pinterest:  this ties into the whole productivity thing.  i pin things ALL.THE.TIME and don't do anything..... but pin.  i want to start making the things i find.  i'm going to try all those yummy recipes and make things for our home and for ellie.  purging soon:  i don't know if it's because i'm about to turn 25, but i feel like my "style" is changing. simple.  so, it's time to go through the closest and donate some clothes and go through the house and de-clutter.

i'm pretty excited to face these "battles" and focus on getting back to the basics and seeing where God leads us in the next few years.


  1. Starting the day right, thank you for the reminder. Too many times the silly laptop is the first thing I touch rather then the Word.
    Heres to staying truly connected!

  2. Good luck with these new goals.

  3. ALL of this resonates with me. I definitely need to be intentional with my mornings, and I really have the itch to throw things away. Being a mom changes you, doesn't it? :)

  4. paige: in more ways than i would have ever thought possible.

  5. i should follow suit on that whole starting the day right. first thing i do every morning? instagram, e-mail & facebook. i should probably switch that to prayers, scripture reading & breakfast.
