soaking up some serious vitamin d lately (no worries we are pro-sunscreen). she loves it out there. i've been working on getting our yard looking pretty and, let me tell you, it's been good for this soul. i now have dreams of not only a flower garden, but also a veggie garden. this year we're focusing on the flowers. our weekend is sure to be full of time outdoors. it's also going to be full of celebrating. michael will be the big twenty-five on sunday... i love that man so stinkin' much.
do you have fun weekend plans?
ps. my blog might be full of instagrams for a little while... i've misplaced my camera charger. i've looked everywhere. so, if you follow me on instagram, then sorry you have to see doubles.... and if you don't follow me, then you should.. lesleygordon. :)
ps. my blog might be full of instagrams for a little while... i've misplaced my camera charger. i've looked everywhere. so, if you follow me on instagram, then sorry you have to see doubles.... and if you don't follow me, then you should.. lesleygordon. :)
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